Are you interested in learning about the weather? Or maybe just looking for some resources to teach your kids?
The California Department of Water Resources says that this approach, known as the Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations, or ...
Why? Because of the many factors which affect atmospheric pressure. Pioneering scientists discovered atmospheric pressure (also known as barometric or air pressure) in the 17th century ...
Using historical forecasts, reservoir storage and river flow data, scientists found that FIRO, combined with a planned second spillway at New Bullards Bar, could provide additional flood storage ...
It’s “Weather Wednesday” — a time where 17 News meteorologists talk about the weather together and help you understand a bit more about ...
The state's Atmospheric Resource agency also has an agreement with the University of North Dakota's aviation program for intern pilot training on the project, which has put more than 400 intern ...
Many human activities release polluting gases into the atmosphere, such as farming animals for food, burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Resources from the Earth Human activities use resources ...