Iraqi President Saddam Hussein appeared on television early Thursday morning, characterizing the U.S.-led military campaign as "criminal acts" and saying his nation would be victorious. "These days ...
Nearly 20 years since Iraq created a new Constitution assuring that people of all religions and ethnicities would be ...
After bombing Saddam Hussein's New Presidential ... says US troops are not occupying Baghdad, the Army settled in -- at least temporarily -- at the bombed-out palace by setting up a mobile command ...
Ordered by megalomaniacal Saddam Hussein ... referendum in the Kurdish region of Iraq in 2017, 93% voted for freedom and independence. The result? Baghdad, increasingly an Iranian satellite ...
Saddam Hussein was a cruel ... and Saddam fired back, “The hell that is Iraq?” The shouting increased in its intensity, and Saddam defended himself. “I have saved you from destitution ...
Military action against Iraq would start with US-led bombing raids on President Saddam Hussein's palaces and other symbols of his regime, a British Sunday newspaper said. In a bid to convince ...
Sons-in-law General Hussein Kamel, husband to Raghad Hussein, led Iraq’s nuclear, chemical and biological weapons program and his brother, Colonel Saddam Kamel, husband to Rana Hussein ...