Bills in the Oregon legislature that would ease public safety requirements for convicted sex offenders and downsize the state ...
As a parent, we already have to worry about school shootings and allergic reactions to food, bullies, et cetera. So let’s ...
Registered sex offender Stephen Wynn sentenced to four years for not meeting reporting requirements in Florida.
San Jose resident and registered sex offender Lamont Carter, 46, was arrested on Feb. 28 on suspicion of two sexual assaults ...
A sex offender from Halfmoon is accused of not informing authorities of his address change. Vincent H. Farnsworth, 59, had ...
In a month, a proposed Kansas state law is being fast-tracked to the Senate, and in the Blue Valley School District, policy ...
Sex assault survivors and advocates are blasting Oregon's solution to address a backlog of thousands of unclassified sex offenders in the state.
DPS names repeat offender Carlos Ayala Morales as March's Featured Fugitive, offering a $6,000 reward for tips.