That Western civilisation is at a critical juncture is undeniable. This has been warned about for quite some time now. One of ...
Among the topics covered, Vance expressed deep concern about how freedoms are being whittled away in Europe today. He noted ...
We need the wisdom, discernment and Spirit’s leading to know when to deal more harshly with someone, and when we should be ...
One brand-new book that looks further at these matters is Stockholm Syndrome Christianity by John West (Discovery Institute ...
Sometimes friends and battles go closely together. That is, we might be connected to or support someone who for the most part ...
A government without accountability and checks and balances is not a proper government but a tyranny. In a fallen ...
While we are at it, we better not mention the “M” word or the “t” word as well. Some of you might know what this is all about ...
The West, however, refuses to acknowledge the war being waged by the Islamic world against Western civilization. Worse, by ...
But there is always more that can be said. In the HWG, sickness in a believer’s life is mainly due to a lack of faith (and/or ...
What are we to make of Balaam? Most believers know at least something about the story of Balaam as found in Numbers 22-24. It ...
All Christians can and should have a real spiritual impact on other Christians. Church history provides countless ...
And many folks rightly see a passage such as Romans 1:18-32 as stating that the sin of a people BECOMES the judgment of a ...