Rutte ne ha elogiato "i risultati nell'industria della Difesa", mentre il suo predecessore Jens Stoltenberg ... immagini fecero il giro del mondo. Alti e bassi hanno caratterizzato il rapporto ...
After Jens Stoltenberg answered questions in a routine session in Norway's parliament, the buzz outside the chamber was ...
The premiere of “Facing War” will be followed by a debate between Jens Stoltenberg, the former NATO secretary general, and ...
The premiere of “Facing War” will be followed by a debate between Jens Stoltenberg, the former NATO secretary general, and ...
Last year, NATO’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said a record 23 of NATO’s 32 member nations had hit the military alliance’s defense spending target. Trump has taken credit for ...
alongside former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. US Congressman Darrell Issa publicly stated that he had nominated Trump for the award, citing his efforts in promoting peace in the Middle ...
US President Donald Trump’s nominee for NATO ambassador sought to reassure senators during his confirmation hearing on Tuesday that the administration’s support for the military alliance ...
Trump has discussed with aides the possibility of calibrating America’s NATO engagement in a way that favors members of the alliance that spend a set percentage of their gross domestic product ...