Exports of liquefied natural gas from Alaska could begin by 2030 or 2031, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy said on Friday.
The $44 billion venture would move 3.5 billion cubic feet per day from the North Slope down an 800-mile pipeline to an LNG ...
Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy will travel to Asia for talks with potential partners for the proposed $44 billion LNG export ...
Exports of liquefied natural gas from Alaska could begin by 2030 or 2031, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy said on Friday. U.S.
The state development group suggested leveraging the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the U.S. and Japan to draw investment for the $44 ...
Paul Fuhs is an electric and gas consumer in Anchorage. He is the former Commissioner of Commerce and International Trade for ...
If developed, it could provide 20 million tonnes of LNG per year. “[Alaska] is the closest point of major oil and gas to Japan by far. We’re talking about a joint venture of some type ...
LNGZ is positioned to take advantage of the shift in domestic US policy, as well as changing energy policies abroad. Read why ...
Asked about the reported LNG development in Alaska, Shigeta said it was a natural candidate for consideration, presenting a valuable opportunity because of its proximity to Japan and other Asian ...
February 4, 2025 Japan's Mitsui could study Alaska LNG project, but no decision yet Japanese trading house Mitsui could consider studying a project to liquefy natural gas in the U.S. state of ...
Transatlantic ties are fraying under the Trump administration, but Europe’s ties to the United States via the demand for LNG ...