Beloved classic RPG Chrono Trigger will be getting some attention from Square Enix this year as the company celebrates the ...
In light of recent news, now is the perfect time for Square Enix to bring one of its most beloved Super Nintendo RPGs to ...
Square Enix has teased more projects related to the world of Chrono Trigger, stirring hope for a remake but promising nothing ...
Chrono Trigger is officially 30 years old today, and Square Enix has confirmed it plans on celebrating the occasion with ...
Square Enix celebrated Chrono Trigger’s 30th anniversary by announcing that there are several projects in the works. The game ...
Chrono Trigger announces 30th-anniversary celebrations with an announcement that several projects are on the horizon.
Chrono Trigger turns 30 today, and Square Enix finally reveals it's working on "projects beyond the world of the game" to celebrate.
Chrono Trigger was originally released in 1995 for the SNES. The game was developed by the “dream team,” a fan name given to ...
Chrono Trigger turns 30! Square Enix announces "projects beyond the world of the game" to celebrate the RPG's anniversary.
The 30th anniversary of Chrono Trigger is here and Square Enix's social media posts have sparked excitement for a potential ...
Square Enix is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its iconic RPG Chrono Trigger with multiple projects that "go ...
But this three-decade anniversary has sparked some semblance of hope amongst fans. Square Enix says that it has "a variety of ...