A new Deseret News/Hinckley Institute poll conducted by HarrisX shows what Utah voters think of Trump and Biden's pardons.
Initial phase III trial results from November 2020 suggested that, after two doses, new mRNA vaccines developed by Moderna ...
A Democratic member of Congress has emerged as a vocal defender of the status quo at the National Institutes of ...
Misinformation about vaccines has swirled online since US President Donald Trump appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – who has ...
Society was shutting down. It was March 2020, the earliest days of the pandemic in Minnesota, and major sporting events were ...
Five years later, the rebranding of the covid pandemic is already happening and, unfortunately, showing some success. This is ...
The German government for years concealed an assessment by its Foreign Intelligence Service that a lab origin of COVID-19 was ...
By the time the coronavirus had begun to spread throughout the United States, officials were still unsure of how contagious ...
The media's interest in presidential pardons seems sudden.
Michele Weldon Five years ago this month, COVID-19 changed the world. The first pandemic in a century altered how Americans saw themselves, each other, work, health care, relationships, government, ...
Since returning to the White House, US President Donald Trump has focused much anger on political rivals, former allies, ...
I asked an array of people, whether physicians, small business owners, or young mothers, to reflect on the five-year ...