Purdue Extension aims to grow and improve jobs in Indiana by championing thriving communities, a prosperous economy and a sustainable infrastructure. This thematic area provides evidence-based ...
Navigating Difference is a cultural competency training for professionals who serve the general public and want to work more effectively across cultural differences. This intensive three-day workshop ...
Purdue Extension’s Scott Gabbard had known Mike and Anngie Steinbarger since their daughters Hayley and Michelle — now married with children of their own — were youngsters. He has known Michelle’s ...
Calves under one year of age are more susceptible than older cattle. Older cattle frequently have been exposed to the parasites and developed a degree of immunity. Adult worms in the gut of cattle ...
Vibrant communities often have a healthy economy with a diverse set of economic activity occurring related to job growth, business growth and attraction and a sustainable infrastructure. Business ...
Whether a well taps water just below the ground or hundreds of feet deep, its location on top of the ground is a crucial safety factor. A well downhill from a livestock yard,a leaking tank or a ...
The Dairy Manure Management Planning publication was a joint effort of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service and the Indiana Natural Resources Conservation Service. John Pedersen, ...
Arrange to have a security survey conducted. Your insurance agent probably performed a limited assessment of your property to identify risks on which to base premiums. But since insurance appraisals ...
The Junior Leader project is designed to give older 4-H members the opportunity to develop their leadership skills. Junior Leaders provide guidance to younger 4-H members, assist with local and county ...
When a water sample is tested the testing lab provides a report listing the concentration of materials found in the sample. Since little or no water in nature is chemically pure, most reports will ...
Land application is a desirable method of returning "biosolids" to the land. Biosolids, also known as sewage sludge, consist primarily of liquid organic material produced by wastewater treatment. When ...