Sebi has ruled that Gaekwad’s competing bid for Religare was not financially credible and violated regulatory timelines, ...
Chess grand master Magnus Carlsen is promoting a new tour that scrambles the game’s rules — and has prompted criticism from ...
H-1B CAP registration is right around the corner. With the continued beneficiary-centric selection process, and the new H-1B ...
As detailed in our previous updates, the IRA’s Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program (the Negotiation Program or Program), ...
On 0, 2025, Chairman Ferguson appointed directors for both the Bureau of Consumer Protection (BCP) and the Bureau of Competition (BC). Christopher Mufarrige was appointed as the Director of BCP and ...
Welcome to the FT's hub of puzzles, games and quizzes. Print out the crosswords to complete them or Subscribers can now solve the FT’s Daily Cryptic, Polymath and FT Weekend crosswords on the iOS and ...
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