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Feb 4, 2025 · Christina Verchere, CEO OMV Petrom: “Our operational performance was strong in 2024: hydrocarbon production was better than planned, with the smallest decline in the last 7 years, and the refinery and power plant operated at high capacity. ...
Christina Verchere, CEO OMV Petrom: “Performanța noastră operațională a fost foarte bună în 2024: producția de hidrocarburi a fost peste cea planificată, cu cel mai mic declin din ultimii 7 ani, iar rafinăria și centrala electrică au ...
About OMV Petrom
OMV Petrom is the largest integrated energy producer in Southeastern Europe, active along the energy value chain: from exploration and production of oil and gas, to refining and fuels distribution and further on to power generation and marketing of gas and power.
Our Business | OMVPetrom.com
OMV Petrom is active along the entire energy value chain: from exploration and production of oil and gas, to refining and fuels distribution and further on to power generation and marketing of gas and power.
Despre OMV Petrom
OMV Petrom este cel mai mare producător integrat de energie din Europa de Sud-Est, activ de-a lungul întregului lanț valoric al energiei: de la explorarea și producția de țiței și gaze, rafinare și distribuția de carburanți până la generarea de energie electrică, precum și comercializarea gazelor naturale și a energiei electrice.
About us | OMVPetrom.com
OMV Petrom is a leading integrated oil and gas company in Southeastern Europe, focusing on exploration, production, refining, and marketing of petroleum products.
About OMV Petrom – OMVPetrom
OMV Petrom is the largest energy company in Southeastern Europe. The Company is active along the entire energy value chain: from exploration and production of oil and gas to refining and fuels distribution, and further on to power generation and marketing of gas and power.
Istoric | OMVPetrom.com
Compania a trecut printr-un amplu proces de reorganizare și restructurare și a beneficiat de investiții majore pentru modernizare. În prezent, OMV Petrom este cel mai mare producător integrat de energie din Europa de Sud-Est.
About OMV Petrom – OMVPetrom
In 2021, OMV Petrom maintained its position as the largest energy company in Southeastern Europe, acting along the entire energy value chain: from exploration and production of oil and gas to refining and fuels distribution, and further on to power generation and marketing of …
Supervisory Board | OMVPetrom.com
Her most recent position was as Chief Legal and Compliance Officer of Borealis AG, Vienna, Austria and since June 2022, Katja Tautscher became the SVP General Counsel of OMV Group. Katja Tautscher was appointed as member of OMV Petrom Supervisory as of January 1, 2023. CV Katja Tautscher EN (PDF, 99,0 KB)